Sunday, October 17, 2010

Diane Rehm - Please Retire

I am a long time NPR listener and routinely tune in to the Diane Rehm show primarily due to the quality of the quests she is able to attract. Over the last year, a significant number of her guests were invited to discuss financial and economic issues. Ms. Rehm's questions are frequently circutious and she explored popular prespectives almost exclusively. In my opinion, she is not comfortable with basic economic theories, the financial products (MBS, CDO, CDS, etc.) and industry practices that contributed significantly to the financial crisis. She missed numerous opportunities to ask probing questions which could have helped educate even the average listener on government policy and options for legislation.

However, what prompts me to write this entry is that I have listened to Ms. Rehm in two recent shows push her personal view that non-lawyers should be adppointed to the Supreme Court. The two shows were her interview with Justice Breyer and her discussion with panelists of cases on the 2010 Supreme Court docket. Her argument in support of appointing non-lawyers is that the Supreme Court should "represent a great variety of thinking, not just lawyers". I consider her point to be simplistic, insipid and not well thought out. The only thinking that is appropriate for a Supreme Court Justice is legal thinking. Justices need to have a detailed understanding of the Constitution, resources which illuminate the intent of the Constitution such as the Federalist Papers and detailed knowledge of case law decided by the court. The court needs to objectively make decisions based on the Constitution and case law and nothing else. If non-judicial thinking and personal experience were the basis of Supreme Court decisions, the court would become partisian and the decisions would not form a basis for a continuation of legal thought. If people without the requisite legal background, regardless of how much they know about other subjects, were justices, the opinions of the court would come to be seen as arbitrary and capricious and precedents would be routinely overturned such that no person or firm could rely on the legal opinion of their attorney in making decisions. I feel sorry for the mother who has lost her son to gun violence but this experience has no place in determining a 2nd amendment issue and I say this from a personal perspective of believing that easy access to guns is a problem and don't want a gun in my house. The Supreme Court should not be basing their decisions on their assessment of the impact or benefit to society at large as this is the job of the legislators. Do we really want Joe the Plumber voting on the court? It may sound fine to argue that common sense is a valid basis for a legal opinion but consider that one person's common sense is another person's folly. The Court should make legal interpretations and that requires someone well versed in the law. No, I am not a lawyer and generally agree with Shakespeare on the value of lawyers.

The host of a talk show must have some understanding of the topics being addressed in order for the show to be informative and Ms. Rehm is seriously lacking on the more serious topics which she is increasingly addressing. Perhaps she should stick with book interviews and other lighter topics.


  1. I agree she should retire. However, I want to retire because it's so damn painful to hear her try and make a sentence. It really detracts from the experience. It's so bad that she often just says "why?" to a guest even when the answer is known to be obvious or not very important or interesting.

  2. Can you start a poll or sign-up for we who agree? She has been an important journalist for many years, but it's time for her to retire and allow another host to take over. All of the guest hosts in recent years have been fine. But her voice, occasional confusion on the topic at hand, and interruptions of guests are very unpleasant. I now change the channel when her show comes on.

  3. I find Diane Rehm to be one of the best interviewers today. And I admire that she does this despite a voice problem. Yet that very problem enables her to speak slowly and allow spaces between phrases. What a refreshing change from the shock jocks of today's airwaves. dale arden

  4. She is unpleasant to listen to, and yes I know she can't help it and it is a diagnosed condition. She is also boring. At some point newscasters and journalists should retire because their views and general style of questioning are antiquated.

  5. Diane Rehm has no educational background to make her a qualified spokesperson. She long ago ceased to be a "moderator" and clearly expresses her very left sympathies. Her voice is annoying, but that is not my problem with her. It is her biased views. It is time for her to retire.

  6. I really think Diane Rehm should retire, her voice and speech pattern is really taking the focus off the subject. Also she can contribute to such show without being on air.She can always pass on the reigns to some one younger and train them to do the job better. Some people don't know when to call it quits.

  7. Your blog was written in 2010. This is almost 2014, and Diane still carries on...

    I respect anyone who is passionate enough about their job to want to do it until their last day. The problem is, there is a fine line between passion and possession. A dying manager should not manage his/her company into the ground just because they own the company. Likewise, Diane could still own the show, without actually smothering it. Besides her voice, Diane's skills are long gone too. And is she smothering her show completely. It is a complete joke at this point. Why is she insisting on conducting the interviews herself? Why can't she manage them, write them, script them, etc. Just let it go, it will be okay Diane...

    This is a crude comment but... I sometimes feel that the only thing she may able to actually pronounce on her show is her last breath.

    Do not pretend that you do not think that when you listen to her talk. She should go gracefully and with respect. There is some hope of that.
