Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What is Palin Planning?

Palin has resigned prior to the end of her first term as Governor of Alaska and has not explained why she resigned early or what her future plans are. I think that her resignation is the first step in her plan to run for president in 2012. By resigning now, she is able to campaign for Republicans in the 2010 mid-term elections without risking ethics charges as she would expose herself to if she were still Governor of Alaska. She commands support from the extreme right wing fringe who make up for what they lack in numbers with enthusiasm which she will be able to direct to the candidates she supports. By campaigning in the mid-term elections, she will pocket political IOU's and have some influence on the platforms of the candidates she supports. Given her animosity to the media, she will not announce that she is planning to run for president in 2012 until the early 2012 so as to limit media coverage of her activities. Given that primaries are usually decided by the most extreme supporters of both political parties, she stands a good chance of winning the Republican Primary although there is almost no chance that she would be able to win the general election. She will use the next few years to build her base and collect the IOU's that she will call in during the primaries as well as to earn money for her personal needs. Unfortunately, she won't use the time to become better versed on the issues as I expect that she believes that everything she needs to know is in the bible or written between the lines of Obama administration policy. Her between the lines reading of the current administration's policy results in pure fiction and her supporters believe it with a passion. Obama is not a citizen, health care reform will lead to the euthanization of the elderly and feeble, Obama is a Moslem and other beliefs are all clearly a fiction but Palin's supporters accept them as fact without reservation. I'm sure that the policies which will result from the Obama administration's first term which will include some flavor of health care reform, some immigration reform which will probably include a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants and probably at least one court case that limits gun ownership will provide more than enough incentive to get Palin's supporters to actively support her.

The 2012 presidential elections will be the ugliest that we have ever seen but the election of Palin as the Republican candidate will be a gift to Obama which will make it almost impossible for him to loose re-election.

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